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AI is not just a buzzword; it's the key to unlocking new possibilities for Chambers of Commerce. This ebook will guide you through the transformative power of AI and how it can revolutionize your…
To achieve business success, employee retention, and engagement levels are two key factors that today's companies and their human resources (HR) departments focus on. Finding the right talent is hard…
Chambers of commerce, like businesses and governments, are experiencing new challenges and opportunities in the age of COVID-19. From adapting to working from home to convincing members to renew in…
What if you were able to grow your member base, manage your dues, create events, increase engagement rates, and build a personal relationship with your members all in under 25 minutes a day?…
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges, forcing organizations to pivot and adapt to change. While the economic and social disruption caused by the global crisis may eventually…
Associations across the United States are facing unprecedented challenges because of COVID-19. From adapting to working from home to convincing members to renew in times of crisis, the challenges are…
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a massive impact on the event industry in the US and as a result, the industry’s future landscape is bound to transform. Now more than ever, it’s more important to…
In 2020, most member-based organizations were forced to digitally transform their operations. They adopted technologies that support virtual work, enable better online experiences, and enhance…
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a massive impact on the event industry in India and as a result, the industry’s future landscape is bound to transform. Now more than ever, it’s more important to…
The best way to open yourself to business opportunities is through professional networking. It helps you meet prospective clients, get ahead in a competitive job market, and gain better access to…
Membership management is no easy feat. There’s member acquisition, new member onboarding, membership engagement, membership marketing, membership renewals, and retention. Membership management is…
The pandemic was a significant catalyst for associations to adapt to new technologies faster than ever. More than a year later, everyone seems to have adjusted and settled into the 'new normal' that…